Monday, September 27, 2010

As American As Apple Pie...and Haiku

Recently, I was introduced to a new poetic form called American Sentences, which are haiku-length poems created by Allen Ginsberg.

Instead of seventeen syllables spaced out over three lines, American Sentences are simply that...sentences. Ginsberg chose to distinguish from the vertical Japanese text by instead going across, linear.

Unlike an authentic haiku, American Sentences do not require a seasonal reference, but are mere snapshots of a moment. Although...many of the haiku I've written don't qualify as authentic, as I don't always focus on nature or the seasons.

The creator of the American Sentences website wrote one sentence every day for several years, prompting me to consider launching a 100 American Sentences in 100 Days campaign in the near future.

But for tonight, a couple of examples:

Tapping the keyboard so close to midnight leads to next-day crankiness.

The brown carpet stripes don't compare to the Atlantic City boardwalk.

"Poetry is the one place where people
can speak their original human mind.
It is the outlet for people to say in public
what is known in private."
—Allen Ginsberg

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